- Articles
- [Art de vivre] Future careers will be 60 years long. Education & work norms need change: The new map of life Stanford report. The 100-year life is here. We’re not ready.
https://longevity.stanford.edu/the-new-map-of-life-report/ - [Apprentissages] Reclaiming a future that has not yet been: The Faure report, UNESCO’s humanism and the need for the emancipation of education. The author suggests a reading of the report which understands it as making a case for a particular relationship between education and society, namely one in which the integrity of education itself is acknowledged and education is not reduced to a mere instrument for delivering particular agendas. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11159-021-09921-x
UNESCO Humanistic, permanent, emancipatory, shares values, democratic participation education as a right | OECD Economic, recurrent, adaptative, social cohesion | European Union Development of human capital learning as a duty |
Learning to be (Faure, 1972) | Recurrent Education: A Strategy for Lifelong Learning (Kallen and Bengtsson 1973 | |
Learning: The treasure within (Delors, 1996) | Lifelong Learning for All (OECD 1997) | |
Education and Training 2010 and the Education and Training 2020 strategies (EC 2004, 2009) |
- [Apprentissages] How to Keep Learning At Every Stage of Your Life. Your brain changes over the course of time, and so does your social and physical environment. In each phase of life, however, six physical and environmental factors are crucial to learning—sleep; exercise; diet; support for physical and mental health; opportunities for mastery; and safety to fail.
https://www.newsweek.com/how-keep-learning-every-stage-your-life-1663380 - [Apprentissages] Commission takes action to improve lifelong learning and employability. The proposals for a Council Recommendation on individual learning accounts and for a Council Recommendation on Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability are the last of the twelve flagship actions announced in the European Skills Agenda and the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan. The European approach to micro-credentials will facilitate the recognition and validation of these learning experiences and is also a key flagship to achieve a European Education Area by 2025.
https://www.eureporter.co/education/2021/12/13/commission-takes-action-to-improve-lifelong-learning-and-employability/ - [seconde vie] Fixed mindset vs. growth mindset might be the difference of 7.4 years of additional life. A growth mindset is willing and eager to explore new ideas and attempt new thing.
- Documents, ouvrages
- [Apprentissages] PROUST, Joëlle, Penser vite ou penser bien ? Odile Jacob, 2021. Penser par soi-même suppose de savoir ce que l’on sait ou ne sait pas, de choisir entre les arguments valides et les faux-semblants. Mais comment faisons-nous le tri, dans le feu des urgences ?
https://www.odilejacob.fr/catalogue/sciences-humaines/philosophie/penser-vite-ou-penser-bien-_9782738157171.php - [Apprentissages] RIPOLI, Thierry, Pourquoi croit-on ? Psychologie des croyances, Sciences Humaines, 2020. Les sciences cognitives aident à comprendre ce qui nous incite à croire intuitivement (système 1) tempérer par le sens critique (système 2)pour nous défier des biais cognitifs.
https://www.scienceshumaines.com/pourquoi-croit-on_fr_770.htm - [art de vivre] BADRÉ, Bertrand, Voulons-nous (sérieusement) changer le monde ?, 2021. Il faut changer de modèle financier, passer du diktat du court terme à une stratégie du long terme, pour bâtir une économie fondée sur le développement durable et la prise en compte de l’humain. https://www.mameeditions.com/9782728928101-voulons-nous-serieusement-changer-le-monde-group.html
- [IA] JEAN Aurélie, Les algorithmes font-ils la lois ?, éditions de L’observatoire, 2021. Dompter (plutôt que de réguler) les algorithmes à travers des lois souples et anticipatrices, afin de ne rien sacrifier au progrès tout en les pensant dans la plus grande objectivité scientifique, sociale et économique.
- Événements
- Le Royaume du Maroc accueillera en 2022 la septième Conférence internationale sur l’éducation des adultes (CONFINTEA VII).
- AFREF Association française de réflexion et d’échanges sur la formation