More than 10000 people signed up to participate in the III CRES – Regional Conference on Higher Education – held in CÓRDOBA, Argentina, from 11 to 14 June 2018 The main organizers of this event where the IESALC-Institute of Higher Education for Latin America and the Caribbean- of UNESCO and the National University of Córdoba, in Argentina. At least 4000 people from most Latin American countries and also from some European countries have effectively followed the work. Marco Antonio Rodrigues Dias was one of the speakers dealing with the theme: “Que hacer en 2018 para que la educación superior vuelva a ser un bien público?”
At the last day of the Conference, on 14th June, a statement was adopted in which it was reaffirmed that higher education is a duty of the States. The participants also ratified the principles adopted by the World Conference on Higher Education-CMES-held in Paris in 1998 and during the I and II CRES held in Havana and Cartagena of Indias in 1996 and 2008. They adopted a strong position against the transformation everywhere of education in a merchandise.
On the 15th – date chosen to the official commemoration of the centenary of the Declaration and reform of Córdoba, the first major movement in Latin America, aiming to rebuild the higher education system with a view to making it non-dogmatic, free and with democratic to all-, the National University of Córdoba, organized two events: in the afternoon, the act of graduating about 10000 students who complete their formation in 2018, year of the centenary, and in the morning, in the “sala de actos” of the university, an initial academic act with the presence of the rector Hugo Jure, of the members of the University Council of UNC, of the Minister of Education of Argentina, of the governor of the Province of Córdoba and of the mayor of Córdoba, of rectors of several countries in Latin America and Europe.