Higher education for the common good

University World News, 13 July, 2018

“In spite of the tremendous changes occurring in higher education, colleges and universities have demonstrated remarkable stability during the nearly 1,000-year history of higher education. Since colleges and universities are, by definition, social institutions, the main challenge for them has been to implement timely change where needed while, at the same time, remaining committed to those core ideals that define their identity and mission.

To better understand higher education and the environment it operates within, one should examine higher education from a comprehensive, global, multidisciplinary view. To this end, and as a result of several years of multi-level research into the core issues driving higher education, the research findings suggest that higher education would be better served by being reconceptualised from a more contemporary humanistic perspective.

Since humanism is based on social justice and self-determination principles, a humanistic perspective represents a more holistic view of human development and the world that humans occupy.

Broadly speaking, the cornerstones of the humanistic perspective are equity, inclusion and responsibility. As such, it includes the political, economic, socio-cultural, ethical and ecological dimensions of higher education. To this end, higher education should embrace a bold vision of higher education in the service of humanity and for the common good.’
